2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby CFA Jay » Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:16 am

drbluejay wrote:Epperson recently has said he weighs 197 lbs. and hopes to get to 215 lbs.before the season. This young man has a bright future with the Jays.

I saw Epperson at costco this weekend. He was def not 215lbs. Granted he has some time.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby mredle » Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:33 pm

18 pounds is a lot of weight for a young man (particularly one with ectomorphic characteristics) to gain in a matter of 3 months (start of season). Particularly with the aerobic training focus. I would be interested in seeing what his gains are strength-wise in terms of squats and bench press.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby Chicagojayfan » Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:25 pm

mredle wrote:18 pounds is a lot of weight for a young man (particularly one with ectomorphic characteristics) to gain in a matter of 3 months (start of season). Particularly with the aerobic training focus. I would be interested in seeing what his gains are strength-wise in terms of squats and bench press.

I'd guess it depends. It sometimes make sense to do a 10 week or so intensive lifting program with minimal work on aerobic exercise to put some mass on prior to then working on a more mixed program. A lot of it depends on if he'd done serious lifting before. If he didn't so Squats, bench, dead lifts, cleans and overhead presses before he could gain a lot of strength and muscle mass in a short amount of time. If he'd been doing those and still not gaining weight, he's a tougher gainer and needs nutritional help and probably more sleep and rest.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby mredle » Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:44 pm

Chicagojayfan wrote:
mredle wrote:18 pounds is a lot of weight for a young man (particularly one with ectomorphic characteristics) to gain in a matter of 3 months (start of season). Particularly with the aerobic training focus. I would be interested in seeing what his gains are strength-wise in terms of squats and bench press.

I'd guess it depends. It sometimes make sense to do a 10 week or so intensive lifting program with minimal work on aerobic exercise to put some mass on prior to then working on a more mixed program. A lot of it depends on if he'd done serious lifting before. If he didn't so Squats, bench, dead lifts, cleans and overhead presses before he could gain a lot of strength and muscle mass in a short amount of time. If he'd been doing those and still not gaining weight, he's a tougher gainer and needs nutritional help and probably more sleep and rest.

My guess (and that is all it is) is that Jacob hasn't been exposed to anything quite like what Dan Bailey will put him through (few high school player's have). But his ectomorphic body type will have a difficult time putting on weight and even when he refrains from more intense aerobic work. Initially he is likely to gain strength more quickly than size. Diet will be important too because while you want him to put on size you want it to be high quality weight and it won't come easily. If it isn't high quality food he will simply look like an overweight ectomorph. The point I'm making is that 18 lbs in 3 months is a lot of weight to add for someone of his body type. That's not criticism, he can put on some size and he may be able to contribute this year. Contrast his body type with that of Ian Steere's. He is a classic mesomorph and will add muscle easily. That doesn't mean Ian will necessarily be a better post player than Jacob even in the Big East. Strength and size are just two of a number of qualities that make for a good basketball player. The presence or absence of one or two qualities doesn't dictate a player's success, particularly at this stage. Especially since we don't know how coaches may choose to use these players early on in their careers.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby vivid_dude » Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:27 pm

I guess I have to disagree with mredle again. I can't think of an easier thing for me to accomplish than gaining 18 pounds in 3 months. I wouldn't even have to try. In fact, a complete lack of trying would be the key to my success. So, if I can do it, Mr. Epperson is out of excuses.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby mredle » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:18 pm

Of course the difference is that the S&C coaches are looking to put quality weight i.e. muscle on Jacob. On you my friend (Vivid) they would be searching for quality weight.

Last edited by mredle on Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby vivid_dude » Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:24 am

Edit: never mind

I hope Jacob gets stronger.
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Re: 2017 C Jacob Epperson (Signed)

Postby skinzfan23 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:02 am

Top 5 Australian freshmen entering the 2017-18 college basketball season


Epperson’s rise seemingly came out of nowhere, and, after winning a national championship with La Lumiere High School, the big-man is set to make an impact at Creighton.

Whether that happens in his freshman year is still yet to be determined. The 6’11 centre still needs to add size to his frame, and just become more physically imposing, but the foundation is there for him to put together an impressive college career.

In his first year, look for Epperson to be a big body off the bench for Greg McDermott’s relatively small team.
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